Perfect Superstar 《完美大明星》
Author: 沉入太平洋
Raw: Uukanshu (919 Chapters)
Novel Updates: Here
Translation Schedule: At least 1 chapter every 2 weeks
Lu Chen had a dream, an incredibly long dream… The dream world was familiar yet at the same time unfamiliar. Singer, actor, freelance writer, he actually went through three sections of different lives in a dream world! When he woke up, Lu Chen thus embarked on a bright road of becoming a perfect superstar!
Table of Contents:
Chapter 31 we want youuu, please continue this amazing novel

has this been dropped? if not when will it be updated?
has this been dropped?
It's been over 2 months since the last update... I'm sorry to confess that I've joined the dark side.

Even though Mr. Google Translate isn't as reliable as you Translater-sama, I admit I was desperate.
Pease don't try to stop me- I'm already 10 chapters ahead. They were painfull to read but desperate times calls for desperate measures.
My only hope now is that you'll one day catch up to the raw chapters I'm translating through Mr. Google Translate and save me from falling further.
- A Straying Fan
Chapter 31!!!
I’d love to read the raws to end this novel but I don’t understand Chinese, thanks for translating and letting us read this
Can't you translate chapter 7 8 9??? :( I can't proceed because i don't wanna miss a chapter. I don't want to skip 1 much less 3
Really appreciate you guys picking up on this novel. Thank you for the time and effort put into translating this for us. What’s the schedule like for the chapter release?
Hello! Thanks for reading. We are in the process of working that out right now and will be putting out an announcement in the next chapter.
Dear translator,
how many chapters will you translate per week after your hiatus?
I hope for at least 7 chapter per week because then your translation will get more readers and more donators.
Please create a patreon page where you will offer extra chapers for your patreon subscribers.
Hi! We will be resuming the 2 chapters a week schedule. 7 chapters per week is... ambitious... and probably won't be happening in the near future. Changes may be made in the future but as the translators are both full-time students, it is a difficult task. A patreon page or donations per chapter is an idea but only an idea thus far. Most of all are in it for the fun of translating or pursuing it as an hobby. As such, it would be difficult for our team to open up an official patreon or have donations since money would be involved. However, there may be exceptions in the future. We'll be sure to keep our readers updated!
Thanks for picking up this story!
Thanks for reading!

Thank you so much for all of your hard work! I really liked Perfect Superstar and have been trying to read it via machine translation. I can't wait till it hits the 200s where we can finally me the female lead!
I can relate! I will probably increase translating speeds in the spring when I finish college applications and senioritis finally kicks in. Hope you keep following the novel!
I'll wait for chapters 1-9 then, can't understand if I start at chapter 10. 😊
Thanks for translating! 👍😊
Hey there! We are currently focusing on translating new chapters but re-translating the earlier chapters will be shifted onto our schedule next week! Look forward to the old chapters in addition to new chapters next Thursday. It was unfortunate that we couldn't do re-translations earlier but we wanted to move forward with the translations since a lot of our audience are past fans and dedicating our time to re-translations would cause older readers to be alienated and feel less inclined to read the chapters. That being said, we recognize that this really restricts our audience base and will work on improving it in the future by translating both new chapters AND old chapters until we finish re-translating chapters 1-10. Add the novel to your reading list and be on the lookout for the first couple of chapters!
where can i read ch 1-9? u guys start at ch10 so i dont understand the story
We are working on continuing the chapters and then re-translate the earlier ones. The earlier translations can be found on pirated websites (no, I don't condone pirated websites, but the original translator has removed his/her site so it is your only option until we re-translate. I will probably launch a poll next chapter to gauge public opinion and decide what to do in the future.
i cant read no 1-9 where can i read the already translated ch?
We are working on continuing the chapters and then re-translate the earlier ones. The earlier translations can be found on pirated websites (no, I don't condone pirated websites, but the original translator has removed his/her site so it is your only option until we re-translate. I will probably launch a poll next chapter to gauge public opinion and decide what to do in the future.
So.. just to be clear.. youre going to reTL the few first chapter right? Im gonna restart them again..
Ah... Can't the team just continue where it has been left and pour all their efforts on the next chapters. T.T

I actually don't get why others reTL from the beginning. If those chapters are MTL, I can understand.
Annyeong! We'll still pour all our efforts to the subsequent chapters and occasionally TL the first few chapters!! There are actually pirated websites where you can read chapters 1~9... -shhh, don't tell them I told you that-
Haha, yes we're gonna reTL the first 1-9 chapters!! ^~^