MYBWLY Chapter 25: My heart! It aches! (6)
After two months of training, mcsmacky has finally graduated editing school! Welcome to more wo- freedom! Chapter 25: My heart! It aches! (6) Translator: Blobber Editor: mcsmacky Translation Checker: Blobber Proofreader: Blooming Frost
MYBWLY Chapter 23: My heart! It aches! (4)
Chapter 23: My heart! It aches! (4) Translator: Blobber Editor: Blobber, mcsmacky Translation Checker: Blobber Proofreader: Blooming Frost
MYBWLY Chapter 22: My heart! It aches! (3)
Miao Miao sure thinks a lot. Chapter 22: My heart! It aches! (3) Translator: Blobber Editor: Nyaarenne, mcsmacky Translation Checker: Blobber Proofreader: Blooming Frost
MYBWLY Chapter 21: My heart! It aches! (2)
Tasty… *Salivates* Chapter 21 Translator: Blobber Editor: Blobber, mcsmacky Translation Checker: Blobber Proofreader: Blooming Frost
MYBWLY Chapter 20: My heart! It aches! (1)
Onto Part 4! Wahh… The title sounds a little ominous, no? D: Hopefully after all this action, we’ll be rewarded with some specially-baked sweets! Without further ado, here’s your chappie!! Translator: Cloudy, Blobber Editor: Nyaarenne, mcsmacky Translation Checker: Blobber Proofreader: Cloudy
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