MYBWLY Chapter 35.2: I love you, so will you come back? (4.2)
You wanted Part 2 on Wednesday, and we delivered! Enjoy! The MYBWLY team has added an important message at the bottom of the chapter. Please read until the end! Thanks :3 Translator: Blobber Editor: mcsmacky Translation Checker: Blobber Proofreader: Cloudy
MYBWLY Chapter 35.1: I love you, so will you come back? (4.1)
We’re at our last translate-checked chapter (well part 1, there’s still a part 2!) so this will be our 2nd last post before going on hiatus. On that note, this chapter was actually a short one so it has been split into 2 parts instead of the usual three. The team wanted to know whether
MYBWLY Chapter 33.3: I love you, so will you come back? (2.3)
I feel like an endless advertisement, but it still needs to be said! We’re slowly running out of translate-checked chapters, so if you’re interested in becoming a translate-checker for the team, please apply here! Chapter 33.3: I love you, so will you come back? (2.3) Translator: Blobber Editor: Mcsmacky Translation Checker: Blobber Proofreader: Blooming Frost
MYBWLY Chapter 33.2: I love you, so will you come back? (2.2)
We’re slowly running out of translate-checked chapters, so you’re interested in becoming a translate-checker for the team, please apply here! Chapter 33.2: I love you, so will you come back? (2.2) Translator: Blobber Editor: Mcsmacky Translation Checker: Blobber Proofreader: Blooming Frost
MYBWLY Chapter 33.1: I love you, so will you come back? (2.1)
We’re slowly running out of translate-checked chapters, so you’re interested in becoming a translate-checker for the team, please apply here! Chapter 33.1: I love you, so will you come back? (2.1) Translator: Blobber Editor: Mcsmacky Translation Checker: Blobber Proofreader: Blooming Frost
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