Everyday Life in the City
One day, while Georg was away.
. Afterwards, he disappeared somewhere. This, however, ended up making Ferris yell,The Patrol Unit even received orders to drag Georg to the parliament building as soon as they caught a glimpse of him.
. . . . . .
Meanwhile, on the side of the open-aired main street.
. . . . .Incidentally, hamburgers were Georg’s invention—or rather, a recreation. White bread was something Georg actualized by using the “sieve” produced by the ironworkers.
. . . .It goes without saying that the two talking, one being from the bear tribe and the other from the mouse tribe, had no such amount of fur in their tails.
. . . .And like that, the topic of the fellow women’s conversation shifted a little, though this action might be something that barely changes with the times.
~~~ In a part of the Town with a large Forge, billowing smoke ~~~
. .This place that clamored with an angry voice could be called the headquarters of the Iron-working industry: an institution where they refine and smelt ore. That leader’s temperament and his tone were strong marks of this place, and this sort of atmosphere was commonplace.
. .By the way, it wasn’t that Georg disliked the men in this swelteringly hot place; he was just bad with them. Even disregarding that, in recent times they’ve been visiting incessantly to ask about money—but ever since about a year ago, Georg had decided to hide away from them.
They were extremely zealous and had been coming to consult about even the finest details (even if they will have to go forward with it despite Georg flaking out).
. .“
“.The iron working industry people were most likely the busiest people in the city right now. But, there wasn’t a single one of them who uttered any complaints. This was because everyone knew what was required from them and that their work would be graded as such;his industry was no exception. To the demi-humans, this wasn’t limited to them being needed by someone, but perhaps it gave them enough of a reason to live.
~~~ Near the small Lake harbor, close to town ~~~
. .This was the base for the fishing industry—a fishing harbor built to adjacent to the lake.
When the new citizens had finally arrived , it looked like it was going to be trouble to teach all of them to swim; but after a half year, they had mostly been able to learn . And now, 2 years later, everyone has become excellent swimmers.
Possibly because of Tina’s gentle and kind personality, everyone here is calm as well. There are comparatively more females as well as many whose skin has gained a healthy tan due to work. As such, these women are noticeably popular in town.
.Within a year here, it’s become customary for Georg to run away right after things get extremely busy. Yet, it could also be said that disappearing after properly finishing what he decided he had to finish, was very much Georg-like.
. . . .They had seen Georg use Intimidation to subjugate when there had been a bit of an uproar in textile processing industry.
.Thinking back at it at the same time, the two hugged themselves tightly.
Georg wasn’t an existence that was only kind; depending on the situation, he would become a frightening existence whom no one could oppose. It was like seeing something in a new light.
April Fools! and Merry Eastermas!
Hehehehehe, hope you enjoyed the Chapter! If you’ve made it this far without figuring it out,
(or burning the site to the ground)
the Dialogue is hidden in plain “sight”. Ya just need to know where to look, Hohohohoo!
Don’t worry. if you REALLY don’t want to figure it out, the Dialogue will return to normal after April Fools. (See Below)
Everyday life in the City
One day, while Georg was away.
“I’m gonna go take a look north,” he’d said.
Afterwards, he disappeared somewhere. This, however, ended up making Ferris yell, “He ran away!!”
The Patrol Unit even received orders to drag Georg to the parliament building as soon as they caught a glimpse of him.
“Isn’t it alright? Even His Excellency should be allowed to take a break once in a while.”
“Jill, you say that, but today the Agriculture Research Society and the folks of the Iron Working Industry were going to hold a meeting about their propositions.”
“Ah um…but, this is very much like His Excellency.”
“Yeah…that man. If he really wanted to run away, there’s no one who will be able to catch him.”
“Commander, too. I have heard that you often train with him; is that true?”
“Yeah, well, there’s no existence stronger than His Excellency….which reminds me. Jill, it appears that you often intrude for favors during your breaks; is that right?”
“Wha!….You, your saying it like that makes it sound… if someone misunderstands…..”
“They’re not necessarily wrong. After all, Jill, you’re of that age. You have such an easy-to-understand attitude toward His Excellency, and lately there are more and more people who are getting married. Everyone can comprehend your thoughts.”
“…..I know that I’m being disrespectful.”
“….If it’s His Excellency, then wouldn’t he be surprisingly accepting of it?”
“Try telling that to everyone else. Besides, I’m not like the other commanding officers who were the first citizens….”
“Time has nothing to do with that. In addition, it doesn’t look like His Excellency wholly agrees with your thought either. Jill, everyone knows that he often intentionally complements your tail. And your personality as well.”
“….You’ve thought about this a lot.”
“Of course, since Nina-dono and Kale-dono have been grumbling about how they want His Excellency to start thinking about an heir soon. More importantly, there’s the plan to review this patrol route….”
This was one scene Jill felt could become a bit positive.
Meanwhile, on the side of the open-aired main street.
“Did you hear? They say that Georg-sama has headed up north.”
“I heard, I heard. It’s already getting close to 2 years since this city’s become this big.”
“Think the preparation to gather people is still taking place?”
“Probably. They said that they will work on development and stabilization for about 2 more years, but they gotta do some preparations beforehand.”
“Looks like it’ll get hectic again…”
“That can’t be helped, you know. Besides, we’re the ones being supported like this. If we skip out and such, then there’s no way we can face Georg-sama, right?”
“That’s true….Yeah. Let’s work hard.”
“Anyway, Karen, what are you making at your place today?”
“Oh, have you heard, Dear? You see, I came out today to splurge and buy some meat. For some reason my husband’s been grumbling about hamburgers ever since he said that he had eaten one.”
“Ooh~….That’s nice….It’s white bread and soup for me today….”
Incidentally, hamburgers were Georg’s invention—or rather, a recreation. White bread was something Georg actualized by using the “sieve” produced by the ironworkers.
“Ehehehe, the spoils from the hunt he’d done the other day look like they’ll sell for a lot, seeing how there’s a big fuss with him saying ‘Extra income~’ and ‘Meat~’ and such.”
“Karen, your husband and the Patrol Unit, I think that’s what they’re called, are lucky; they’re the only ones who’ve been allowed to go out hunting.”
“Yeah. But it looks like their job is really difficult. Like, the number of people has increased recently, so stuff like fights have also increased. And I’ve heard that their training is also tough. Especially on the occasional times Georg-sama shows up. As soon as my husband comes home, he just sits around, hmph.”
“Uwee….that really is tough, huh. The female commanders like Jill-sama must really work hard then.”
“Yuup….This is something Claire said the other day, but working as one of the closest people to Georg-sama looks really nice.”
“By ‘Claire’, do you mean the fox tribe woman who was one of the first to join the Patrol Unit?”
“Yeah. It looks like her ears are really good, and she often mixes in with the men when they go out hunting. Moreover—the tails of those fox tribes, right?”
“Aah…..they’re so fluffy….”
It goes without saying that the two talking, one being from the bear tribe and the other from the mouse tribe, had no such amount of fur in their tails.
“Well, we are us, and our ears are likeable, right?”
“Yeah…..but, because I recently got married, it looks like I won’t get pats anymore. It’s a little disappointing…..but that’s fine, I really do like my husband.”
“That’s nice…for me though, I just married a person I was a bit interested in, so I might not be able to recover for a while.”
“Ah, that quiet sheep tribe person?”
“‘Quiet’……well, he is from the sheep tribe, so I can’t deny that. But he’s always kind, and I haven’t seen him angry or sad, you know.”
“Now that you mention it, yeah. But, the sheep tribe has the impression that they’re always carefree. Yet he’s properly doing his job….do you think he’s actually using magic or something?”
“Of course not. He isn’t an elf.”
And like that, the topic of the fellow women’s conversation shifted a little, though this action might be something that barely changes with the times.
“Boss!! How’s this iron ore!!”
“You idiot, can’t ya remember for once!! I told ya that I’ll be refining so bring it over there to the bellows!”
“Boss, the prototype guards we gotta deliver to the Patrol Unit are ready. I’ll pile ’em up in the wagon.”
“You idiot, don’t pile ’em yet!! We haven’t checked ‘em yet!! Ah, Rudy!! Didn’t I tell you, ya big idiot, that if you got no business, don’t go near the furnace. Do ya wanna die, huh!!”
This place that clamored with an angry voice could be called the headquarters of the Iron-working industry: an institution where they refine and smelt ore. That leader’s temperament and his tone were strong marks of this place, and this sort of atmosphere was commonplace.
“Boss!! We got a problem!!”
“What is it this time!!”
“We had arranged to go to Georg-sama’s place today to discuss the plans for the steel manufacturing’s reverberatory furnace, but….Georg-sama can’t be found…..”
“Wha….!? ….A, again….”
By the way, it wasn’t that Georg disliked the men in this swelteringly hot place; he was just bad with them. Even disregarding that, in recent times they’ve been visiting incessantly to ask about money—but ever since about a year ago, Georg had decided to hide away from them.
They were extremely zealous and had been coming to consult about even the finest details (even if they will have to go forward with it despite Georg flaking out).
“Wh, what shall we do?”
“….For the time being, I’ll postpone it. We’ll finish the stuff we gotta hand the Patrol Unit first.”
“Boss, orders came from the marketplace asking for an increase in the production of pots and kitchen knives, but….”
“Ah, and there’s the request from the Mint asking for us to hurry up with the refinement of gold and silver…”
“Argh!! Each and every one of them are full of themselves!! At any rate, the ones for the Patrol Unit come first!! We’ve made them wait a bunch because of the money, though if we make them wait any longer, surely we’ll be gettin’ a scolding from Georg-sama!! In the first place, pots and kitchen knives aren’t our business; the folks in blacksmith workshops are the ones in charge, aren’t they!! As for the gold and silver, they’ll have to do with what we got so far in the meanwhile!!”
” “A, aye!!” ”
The iron working industry people were most likely the busiest people in the city right now. But, there wasn’t a single one of them who uttered any complaints. This was because everyone knew what was required from them and that their work would be graded as such;his industry was no exception. To the demi-humans, this wasn’t limited to them being needed by someone, but perhaps it gave them enough of a reason to live.
“Tina-sama~, I finished repairing the net~”
“Th, thanks. If you don’t mind, could you bring that over to Keele’s place for me? She’s been worried, asking if it’s been done yet.”
“Understood. I’ll see you later, Tina-sama.”
This was the base for the fishing industry—a fishing harbor built to adjacent to the lake.
When the new citizens had finally arrived , it looked like it was going to be trouble to teach all of them to swim; but after a half year, they had mostly been able to learn . And now, 2 years later, everyone has become excellent swimmers.
Possibly because of Tina’s gentle and kind personality, everyone here is calm as well. There are comparatively more females as well as many whose skin has gained a healthy tan due to work. As such, these women are noticeably popular in town.
“Ah, Tina-san, have you heard? Apparently, Georg-sama escaped.”
“…..Good grief, that Georg-sama…”
Within a year here, it’s become customary for Georg to run away right after things get extremely busy. Yet, it could also be said that disappearing after properly finishing what he decided he had to finish, was very much Georg-like.
“Well, he’ll probably come back 2-3 days from now at the latest, like usual.”
“Like when he had gone to the south sea?”
“Yeah….I’ve never seen the sea before, so I’m a little jealous.”
“Same. As expected of one called a Dragunir….”
“When push comes to shove, he can just become a dragon and take one jump.”
“But, we haven’t seen Georg-sama’s appearance when he becomes a dragon, you know.”
“Aah….I haven’t either, but Ferris-sama said that it was scary and her body wouldn’t move anymore.”
“…..Like that time he did that overpowering thing?”
They had seen Georg use Intimidation to subjugate when there had been a bit of an uproar in textile processing industry.
“That was bad, right….”
“Yeah….even though we saw it from a far, my legs shivered…”
Thinking back at it at the same time, the two hugged themselves tightly.
Georg wasn’t an existence that was only kind; depending on the situation, he would become a frightening existence whom no one could oppose. It was like seeing something in a new light.
Author’s notes:
I wrote this as sometimes you want to take a look at the setting.
This wasn’t to cut up the story, so I didn’t treat this like an intermission.
The stuff I couldn’t write this time, I’ll see if I can write it soon.
This joke method of writing the chapter might actually be a good form of copywrite security for those sites that can only copy and paste with a bot.
I found out about the normally posted chapter after I figured out the first one and read it.
Thanks for the treat.
so... when is the official chapter coming out? its april 2nd here already. where do you guys live?
Working on editing right now!
/o/ Done !
woot thanks!
Thanks for the chapter~
My eyes it burnsss...
Translator-san, do you need donations to keep your works update every time it released? Jusk ask anyway...
good job and thank you for the chapter...
Na, this is a free work. and even if it wasn't, unfortunately its not something Donations could help with.
took a bit to read, but YAY IT'S BACK! DRAGON KITTIES MUST BE A THING!
fufufuu... thanks for the chapter, i enjoyed it :)
Joke ruining spoilers:
Not on my watch! - Ninja Puppy!
thnks for the awaited update
no wonder i thought the chapter felt like it was botched when i read it lol
nice of u to continue the series ...i wait long to read this...thank you so much..

Lol thx for the chapter
Thanks for the chapter. It's fine, most people understand you have a real life that comes first. Especially when you do this for free, it's just good to see you're still around.