I’m proud to announce that Blob Translations is picking up Garudeina Oukoku Koukoku Ki!!!
Author: 桜朔
Novel Updates: HERE
Translation Schedule: Variable/TBD
- Translator: Innocent Puppy
- Editor/Guest Editors: Caelum, Blooming Frost
- TLC: Caelum
- PR: Bunny, Blooming Frost
Translator’s Notes:
This is purely a fan translation, and I make no promises for release dates (At this moment).
And an MTL to boot. *hides from the rain of trash thrown at him*
What I CAN promise, however, is that this work will be finished to the utmost of our ability, here at BlobT.
No throwing it into an MTL and calling it a day. Each line is checked and double checked, edited and then sent to a TLC (Translation checker).
Everything will not be perfect, but it will be done properly and critiqued before you ever see it. One of my biggest pet-peeves is poorly done MTL.
My plan for the future is to first get feedback on this first chapter and see what the community thinks of my work.
If the feedback is good, then I’ll move on to finishing Volume 5. If you are a fan of the series, then please show your support and give as much feedback on all of the chapters!
Big Shout Out to Caelum, Blooming Frost, and Bunny, for all the hard work they put into correcting my bad Translations and Grammar!
Please bear with me, I’m looking into this one at the moment. Make sure to leave any comments on the previous chapter.
If the feedback is positive, there is a good chance I’ll be continuing with this.
With that being said, please enjoy Blob Translations presentation of Garudeina Oukoku Koukoku Ki! Interlude: Guard Corps’ Deputy Chief.
- Garudeina Oukoku Koukoku Ki: Volume 5, Chapter 6 - May 7, 2018
- Garudeina Oukoku Koukoku Ki: Volume 5, Chapter 5 - Apr 1, 2018
- Garudeina Oukoku Koukoku Ki: Volume 5, Chapter 4 - Jan 15, 2018
Thanks for picking this up!
Thank for picking up
Thanks for translating. Keep up the good work
Thank you so very much for picking this up. I really missed it
Thank for picking up this novel
Thanks man

Thanks for picking up this man!!!!!!!!! Really appreciated!
I've read this novel months ago. I was sadden as I the former translator stopped posting update to this beautiful kingdom mofu mofu building. But now I'm really glad you're doing this! Keep up the good work!
Thank you for picking this one up.
Thank you for picking this series up please continue to translate this series
Thanks for picking this up! Let's see if my empty cans will be thrown or not
Thanks for picking this up! Let's see if my collection of empty cans will be thrown or not
thanks for picking up this novel
Thanksyou for picking this up.... At last I don't have to read the raw with Google translate again
Thank for picking up this novel😍😉😉
thanks for picking up this novel