Chinese Translator, Editor
Some people want to watch the world burn. I consider myself one of them.
No, I’m not an edgy teen. I’m a VERY edgy teen (my username says it all).
Don’t mind me.
Perfect Superstar
Perfect Superstar Staff Interview
I played the viola before and I’m fairly good with the violin as well. As for music, I enjoy k-pop but I’ve been listening to Chinese music more nowadays for both nostalgia reasons (old music that my parents listened to) and to increase my language mastery.
I would definitely say 8 or 9.
Height: 178. Well above average
Body: Ripped athletic body (believe me) √
Special Talents: Viola, being amazing, yada yada √
Comedic? √
Social? √

Idol knowledge? √
It’s been fun! Haven’t really shifted into gear with the new editor Eon but working with Kage the past couple of weeks have been a pleasure. Always quick and speedy PRs and helps me epitomize the “deadlining maknae” figure. Zero is there half the time but when she is there she helps a lot. (minor salt there) Canary Is the OG PR and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I definitely talked to her the most the past month. Bunny and Blooming Frost both are amazing admins that I can turn to whenever I have problems or need someone to talk to. As for DarkShadowScorch, he’s definitely the best member of the entire team. shameless self promotion.
919 Chapters. That’s all I’m going to say…
Hello Blob Family Army!
It’s me DSS! I hope that everybody is having an amazing time and enjoying the holidays. The Perfect Team has enjoyed our brief vacation and will be coming back with much more motivation and time (I hope) and maybe even a stockpile (ha! what a joke). I hope that everyone keeps supporting Perfect Superstar and the Perfect Team in the future. The past couple of months have been a blast and I can’t wait for a new year. There’s many more chapters to come so keep your eyes peeled for more amazing chapters. If you want to come talk to the team feel free to do so in our discord! I’ll be lurking here and there. If I don’t get killed by my PRs for being so close to my deadlines that is. DSS out!
Perfect Superstar Chapter 28
Hey guys, So.. don’t beat me up for this but Chapter 28 was translated and edited like a month ago. I swear that I posted the chapter back then but apparently I didn’t… Here’s the link to the chapter. For the readers that care and have an opinion, please read the post later today. Chapter
Perfect Superstar Chapter 27
Hey guys! Still kinda swamped with work but managed to push this chapter out. It is translated and edited. However, it is not proofread. Some announcements and important news will be coming out Saturday so please stay tuned. Sorry for the late release and if there are too many errors. I will get someone to
Perfect Superstar Chapter 26
Definitely not late or anything… Ice and snow for someone that lives in the South (United States) has me feeling really woozy and tired. We will be making some changes to the schedule in the near future but I’ll be sure to let you guys know. Chapter 26 Translator: DRZero Editor: DSS Proofreader: Kage/Olivia
Perfect Superstar Chapter 25
Hey guys! Finally on time! Woooo! Enjoy the chapter! Fun one for you guys to enjoy. If you guys have any questions, please refer to the FAQ prior to asking in the comments. Also, if you’re interested in joining the Discord, many of us will be there to help answer questions. Chapter 25 Translator: DRZero
Perfect Superstar Chapter 6
Hey guys! Sorry for the late update again… I swear I’m not doing this on purpose… My brother went back to college today and I was distracted because of it. This chapter was just finished and no proofreading was done just yet. However, we will update the chapter as soon as it is done. On
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